Born in Milan on 24 November 1970.
He graduated in architecture at the Milan Polytechnic in 1996.
He works for one year in the Renzo Piano Building Workshop in Paris in 1996, for PRADA as an assistant of the artists for the preparation of exhibitions of Contemporary Art in Milan in 1996 and in the Studio “Marco Albini -Franca Helg-Antonio Piva Architetti Associati” dal 1998 al 2004.
Associated with Marco Albini at Studio Albini Associati in 2004.
Deals with the development of projects from the preliminary design to construction management.

Among the realized works, under his Direction, The new Rolex Service Centre in Milan, where technology and innovation give life to a fully automated building, with great care of details and design. In the project of reuse and renovation of the former Manastery in Cairate, adaption and new additions find the right balance between past and future. He carries out reserach activities through participation to major International Competitions, with a team of Architects and Designers.