New settlement in the Fair area of Genova. (Competition) (2017)

The concept for this project has been guided by the proposition to mend the relationship between the city on the hill and the Fair area on the sea, by mean of a new proposed pedestrian connection – over the road along the bastion of Corso Marconi – between the city and a new public park on the new settlment’s roof.
The program involved residential, offices, a hotel and tertiary for a total of 60.000 sqm. The study of new volumes was focused on the relationship with the industrial context of the harbor and with the simple abstract shapes of the Fair’s pavilions, that are supposed to remain. At the same way, new buildings are conceived with simple and neat shapes.
We wanted to create recognizable new urban places, such as a square, a road, a courtyard and a walkway along the seaside and we wanted to separate public from private functions, by lifting the volumes above the ground level, making it visually and physically permeable towards the sea.

Committente: City Council of Tampere
Località: Tampere (Finland),
Periodo: 2017
Progetto architettonico: